Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We've started planning for our Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka trip for late September. Can't wait! That's when I get to meet up with my dear friend R, who's living like an expat tai tai there. Read from her blog about going to get groceries with her Korean neighbours etc... so envious... :)

We found this lady who is planning a tailor-made trip for us. We tell her the places that we want to go, what we like to see, what we like to eat and stay and she will do the rest for us. Cool right? I'm so loving this. Don't have to do all the research and planning. This is especially helpful when time is limited but at the same time we don't want to follow a tour group. The only thing I hope for is that she will give us clear instructions how to get from one place to the other. Otherwise... ... chum... can't read Chinese, can't read Japanese...

To a beautiful trip: Yahoo!

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