Friday, July 9, 2010

{I'm All Packed}

Haven't seen Yin for a while now. We've planned to meet at her place for a scrap session. I'm going to do my very first canvas (OK, I know, I'm so yester-year) I'm a late bloomer. Bought the canvas for the longest time and I never had courage to do it on my own. So tomorrow's de day.

When I first started scrapbooking and didn't have so much stuff, I pretty much stored my scrap materials in a scrapbag which I bought. Then the collection grew. I upgraded it to a "chest box". Now, it's a scrap table/storage section.

Here's some back to the basics of this amazing scrapbag that I bought, but it only got to "serve" me for a very short period of time. Since I'm going over to Yin's place, thought it'd be a fantastic opportunity to use it to store my stuff ha ha.. half the bag is empty, I'm trying too hard....

Aw... so compact and nice. My fav. color! Green & brown.

Unzip it and it opens to an amazing storage system.

Wala! I was so thrilled about this that I HAD to buy this bag. It belongs to ME! Reminds me of my primary school pencil case. One of those that could open up like a transformer :)

Not much stuff to bring, but it's good enough, I think.

There's even space for flatter, bigger surface items like paper and alphas.

I bought an additional A4 folder to store other stuff, which I don't have any right now.

The 2 side pockets allows storage for pens, scissors, pen-knives etc.

Zip it up and we're ready to go!

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