Monday, November 16, 2009


Met a grand-aunty at the dinner last night. Haven't seen her in years. She probably wouldn't have recognised me.

Dad introduced me...grand-aunty looked at me with a wide smile... and said in hokkien...

"jin xiang lao pei..." which means looks a lot like father.

So I was a little surprised because most people said I looked like mummy... what came next was totally unexpected...

"jin dua jia" which literally means very big size.

Ouch! Coming from a grand-aunty, must be genuine. Everyone at the table laughed and so did I... then I asked her again, "wa jin dua jia?" which translates to "I'm big size?"

To which everyone laughed. Then another aunty said, "yong qi bu dang la..." meaning she didn't use the right words....


Stop laughing!!!!

After we came home, I was still bothered by that comment...

I asked mum, "Am I really that big size?"

She graciously said, "Of course not, it's just because I'm (mum) smaller size than daddy, and you are tall..." Told you my mum is the sweetest...

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