Saturday, August 28, 2010

{Quick Update}

So the Japan trip is getting nearer. Met up with the planner, we're quite excited about the trip right now.

Just received an email from R and found out she's going to spend 3 days with us!!!!! woo hoo!!!! So excited!!!!!! Can't wait to meet her! I'm sure there'll be so much catching up to do. And meeting her in Tokyo is like going on a holiday with her ha ha ha ha...

Before all these, next week will be our regular Life in the Spirit seminar. It's going to be busy, busy for me...

If you're interested, do find out more about what this Life in the Spirit seminar is about:) No registration is required. Seat availability is on a first-come-first-served basis.

On a different note, I'm slowly getting adjusted to the iphone. Tons of apps downloaded, haven't really started using them. Exhausted a few free lite games, wondering if I should purchase the full version. Other than that, I would say in terms of SMS, Nokia is still MUCH easier :) Now I cannot not look at my phone when I SMS like I did with the Nokia. In fact, I have to stop what I'm doing just to type one SMS.. hai....

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