Sunday, August 15, 2010

{Scrappy weekend!}

Did quite a bit scrapbooking this weekend. Finally completed the mini-album for my mum. Haven't got a chance to take pictures of it yet. I was stuck with this project for a long time... it's almost a relief to have actually completed it... Took a total of 28 hours... I'm such a slow scrapper ha ha ha...

Also did a canvas piece for M's uncle. M took pictures a his 70th birthday celebration. Hope he likes this. My first canvas project done on my own... I sure did have fun with all that painting and splattering... although I was really careful not to splatter on the floor. I was also trying not to make it look too girly. Not sure if it's a little too "youngish" for him ha ha ha...

Bought the paint palatte and "Chinese" brushes from Daiso. Oh, and this wonderful canvas too, so cheap!! Only $2 each!! They came in different sizes, even bought some nice-shaped cutting boards that could be used as a background for these projects... I like shopping in Daiso!

So, here's a canvas project, ready to be given out today...

Wonderful Family Celebration

Yeah! I sewed on a button ha ha ha ha!
You have no idea what an achivement that is!

The little tag reads:
Other things may change us, but we start and end with Family.

Printed a little message for uncle T.
That spot was actually a "mistake" spot and
I had to find something to fill out that mistake ha ha ha.
It worked well eventually.
That's the good thing about scrapbooking,
there's alwasy a way to cover up a flaw or
make it work in the design!

1 comment:

Yin said...

Wowee to your 1st Canvas Wen!! See you can splatter paint loh...