Tuesday, August 17, 2010

{Chinatown Rocks!}

I was suppose to go to Chinatown to run some errands, and then, I got stopped at a little shop that sells ribbons and buttons!

It's soooo cheap!!! (really?)

So I went, I want 1 yard of this, two yards of that, 10 buttons, this and that...

The final sum came up to about $65.

Why would I spend $65 in a ribbon/button shop when I hardly use them in my projects and LO?

Rare occasion where I spend $65 and
I get plastic bags and products wrapped in magazine pages ha ha ha...

$65 worth of buttons and ribbons? Why did I spend that money?!?!?!

Gorgeous 3D Sewing Kit - 1st Packet

Gorgeous 3D Sewing Kit - 2nd Packet
I'm hoping to use these 3D sewing kits for something that I plan to make.

I really don't know why I bought these. 3D tool kits. Cute but...

The buttons are so pretty right?

Love the black and pokka dotted ribbons! So pretty!


Sandy Ang said...

What a great find. Love to know how to find the shop. Can never have too much sewing stash.

J said...

Chrysler! hehe, yes the stuff you bought very nice... (short of me using the word "pretty") haha. =P