Thursday, December 10, 2009

{Sneak Peak}

Styrofoam "Canvas" above our bed.

My lil ribbon pole. It can only hold so many ribbons, I still have one box of ribbons packed away in the cabinet. Extendable pole from Daiso - no drilling required.

Our bedside lamp. Body and the shade comes from two different lights. Made the light salesperson mix and match for us a few lights and finally settled with this.

Lil' scrap cabinet - Closed.
Added 2 rows of red ribbons for the flip up shelve & pull-down table. Realised that the white woody laminate get's finger print stains pretty easily. Added the ribbons at the areas where I would pull the doors most, hoping it'd prevent finger-print staining.

Two panels of glass cabinet allows changeable displays.

Lil Scrap cabinet - opened.
There's an additional pull-out L-table, a flip out study table. The panel above the study table can actually be pushed up. And of course a roller bench that can be neatly tugged in when not in use.

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