Really appeciate M for yesterday. It was a simple but very happy day with him.
Told him that God must be on his side. Despite not making any plans for lunch, we found a fabulous place that we'v never tried before and I love everything about this place.
He had booked tickets for a movie at Plaza Singapura. For those who have been there, you might have passed by Tea Cosy just beside Spotlight. Beautiful little eclectic designed cafe selling all sorts of cupid angles. We've always walked passed, went in to see once in a while, but never tried the food there. Yesterday, we did so, and I must say the food tasted as good as the place looks!
Tea Cosy@Plaza Sing
So pretty right! I wish I have a home like this.
Stunning! Different pieces put together creatively!
Totally my kind of shop/home!
Isn't this dining chair beautiful?!
Totally in love with this place!
This is my fav. chair. It has all my fav. colors on it.
Guess how much?
Just for the chair alone, it's about S$2000!!!!
Now for the food...yummy tangy tomato crab meat soup
erm... i'm not sure what soup this is some curry lemon thingy, but it was good.
Pasta- not much ingredients, I mean there's a decent amount of prawns on mine, but that was it. But you know what? That's ok, coz the sauce was absolutely mouth-watering and it was really yummy!
So cute right the cakes. OK it's just bite-sized cakes but look at the pastry tray, so beautiful!!
After this fabulous lunch, I did some scrapbook shopping - on my own expense. Yeah! It's good to have birthdays, you actually get birthday discounts!!
After that we watched Inception. Nice! For a person who dreams a lot, I like this show. Makes me wonder if I too can go in to my dreams and create things. Don't laugh. I once was able to determine what I wanted to dream - don't play play k ha ha ha...
In the movie, they were able to go into different levels of dreams. Like a dream within a dream within a dream. The closest I can relate to was a dream within a dream. I once dreamt that I got up and was getting ready for work. Midway through the dream, I woke up from my dream only to realise that I was still in bed. So I dragged myself out of bed and rushed through getting ready coz' in my dream I was late. I was already on my way to work etc, only to realise when I heard someone knocking on the door, "W are you working today?" OOPP!!! I jumped out of bed only to find out that it was all a dream! I'm REALLY late now! ha ha ha..
So for those who have not watched Inception, go for it. Makes you wonder...
He brought me to Greenwood Fish Market Bistro for a delicious Seafood night. It's something I've been wanting to try but never did simply because M isn't into seafood. He says seafood taste like mud ha ha ha. Thumbs up for him for having seafood with me last evening!
Yes...we, I mean I, had half a lobster!
I'm not a bread person so ... this is bread... :)
Is he really sweet or it's coz' he simply doesn't appreciate a good bowl of lobster bisque with brandy. How delicious can this be... SUPER! He ordered one full bowl just for ME!
Yeah! Finally! I've been wanting to try this for the longest time. This is the Hot Seafood Platter. Let's see, it's all cooked food so yeah!
We had
Half a lobster
A bowl of octopus salad with Balsamic dressing (The octopus was good!)
A bowl of scallops with not sure what sauce - This was just ok for me but M likes it.
A bowl of clams and mussels in white wine garlic sauce - Mmmmmm... I like!
2 wild prawns each - nice! I had 3 :P he he he he
6 Baked Oysters with cheese. I must say, this is the best baked oysters I've eaten. The cheese is yummy and the oyster is still soft and juicy... very good!
2 kebabs of mixed fish - so so only...
Fried calamari - Good!

This is proof that M gave me the entire half a lobster and he had none, simply because he knows how much I've been longing to have this and yes... I really don't think he appreciates lobsters ha ha ha..he's a meat boy.
It's ALL mine! Proven!
Ay.. hang on... what's the lobster doing on his plate?
If you look carefully, all the lobster meat is already gone ha ha. By that time, it should be on the way into W's digestive system ha ha ha.. M was eating the eggs which I wouldn't touch.
In the midst of our gastronmic food experience, we found our food's food! Yes! Two baby crabs. Ha ha ha...I dared M to eat it, but he didn't :)
It is done!
By this time, it's not funny any more... I'm suffering from indigestion. Too much seafood!
We didn't even cut the cake yesterday coz' I was just feeling too overwhelmed with the seafood. Had it with our family after lunch today. Yummy! G-spot Chocolate cake from Big-O.... it's super chocolaty. Slurp!
To the man who gave me a memorable day yesterday... my 'yours truly':
Thank you!
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