Wednesday, July 7, 2010

{Another Goodbye}

Tomorrow's SY's "last" CG with us before she leaves for a 1.5 year study trip to Queensland. I've seen this girl grow in maturity and develop in character. My prayer is that she will continue to journey with God no matter where she is.

For those who remember, Basic Grey released a series called June Bug. I'm one of those "kiasu" scrappers that bought 3 set of everything in this series. Yes. 3 sets. Not 1, not 2 but 3. I loved the bright colors and adorable doggies. But each time I tried to use it, I can never get something decent out of it.

Decided to give it a go... I'm lovin what I see... Here's a mini-album to encourage her as she begin a new chapter in her life.

Saw the keys at Art Republic last week. The last that was in the shop. Grabbed them :) Love it!

Love this lion lock. It's really cute. It's a real lock that will work. There are 2 mini keys that will actually unlock it. Cute right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.. colors colors.. i can never do it! lovely work and cute LEO.. just like us :)