Thursday, February 17, 2011

{First Scrap Project for 2011}

Made this for our lovely cousin who went to down under to further her studies. Ooooo brought back so many memories!

Drama-mama cousin! :)

Super adorable lil cousins

Cute nieces & handsome nephews. This family has good genes!

Made a lil tag in each page for family members to write her a lil message. This page was for the aunties :)

A page for our funky uncles! It was hard to get them to write something hahaha. men...
Cousins & family!

Here's her lovely family! Dad and mum left her sweet messages!
More relatives!

My fav page - showcasing our super adorable neices and nephews!

There were 3 more pages but I think they're either still in the camera or I missed taking a photo of them before giving it away...

1 comment:

Sandy Ang said...

Such fun pics in your mini. Bet she'll cherish it.