Friday, November 5, 2010

{Better Late Than Never :D}

Praise the Lord for public holidays! Totally slept-in today! Feels great!!!

Made a simple tag for my dear friend. Someone's visiting her in R. and I finally got this done in time to pass it to her. It's been 2 years late!!!!

She's an awesome girl! Such an encourager, always so positive and ever ready to pray when I need support. No matter who she becomes, she's alway the lovely girl that I knew and I know. Sincere. Humble. Loving.


Sandy Ang said...

Such a fun and feminine album.
Love to see you at my challenge -

Glad your dad's getting better.

Yin said...

Such a sweet gift, and the distress edges to the pages...a wendy's signature...

rest well my dear friend :)