Wednesday, October 13, 2010

{Favourite Sights In Tokyo}

There were so many interesting sights and beautiful places, here's what we liked best!

Ginza: Roads were closed to vehicles on Saturdays. Even little birdie knows it!

Brands at Ginza don't just go by boutiques, they go by buildings!

Not quite sure what this was, but it was a beautiful sight. Tea light candles lighted up the place!

Love the overall atmosphere at Harajuku. It's like Far East Plaza outdoors! It wasn't that bad going through the crowd as it seems! Perhaps because the weather was cool and breezy, it was really nice to just walk through and soak in the culture and street fashion in Tokyo!

One thing I love in Japan, their boots! So cheap and nice! Such a waste that I bought one in Singapore for this trip, which I never wore. Should have just kept that money and spend it here! :(

Vroom vroom! Fwah... heads turned when this driver zoomed past!

Teenagers practicing their rope jumping techniques. Pretty cool! Looks fun too!

Ebisu Garden Park. The photos do injustice to this place. In reality, it looks like what R describes as "Cinderella's castle". Beautiful place.

I realised my legs were shaking after we got off this ride. I've done this in Goldcoast and I loved it. I wonder why this time it got me all stirred up...

I've sat on countless roller coaster rides across the globe. Each time I went back for me.
I've been defeated at Tokyo Dome's Thunder Dolphine. I was so terrified I didn't want to do it again!
Why? This goes through a building and plunge down towards moving traffic and people! It's horrifying, considering I don't even like to cross overhead bridges...

There you go... our favourite sights in Tokyo!

1 comment:

Yin said...

Such a wonderful place to be at , and very tempting photos Wen!!