I love my new scrap space. Everything is within reach. Everything has its place. So thankful for it.
{Cover Title: Ps = Pslam}
I chose an apple background because this pslam talks about being the apple of God's eyes. Love the butterfly that I got recently. Kept the cover really simple.
{Inside Pages}
On the left page contains the chapter and verse of the Pslam that was carried over from the first page. 17eight (chapter 17 verse 8).
Psalm 17:8 "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings."
{Why This Album?}
Throughout life, I've learnt many lessons. But in this little book are lessons that have impacted and changed my life significantly. Here's a little note summing up the lessons that I've learnt. Would love to make this as a "hand-me-down" to my kids and their kids and their kids kids :) {dreaming...}
{Lesson #1}
He makes all things beautiful in its time - Ecclesiastes 3:11
This was the scripture we used for our weddding ... love it. I got married pretty late, was getting anxious. But when I learnt to turn everything over to God, he made it really beautiful in His time.
Flip the photo up and you'll be able to see a word of encouragement.
{Lesson #2}
Love the Lord your God, with all our heart, and all your soul, and all strength and all your mind. Luke 10:27
This is one of the most important lesson I've learnt and I cherish it dearly! It's exactly like a Bingo game. When you get all the numbers, you just want to jump up and shout BINGO!
When I finally understood this verse from my heart - everything changed. Better than getting a BINGO win!

Printed parts of the verses onto little circles that I pasted on the BINGO page.
{Lesson #3}
Honour your father and mother. Ephesians six:two
Love and honour them not because they did something right, but simply because they are our God-given parents. When I learnt that principle and sank it into my heart, my relationship with my parents improved tremendously.
{Lesson #4}
The perfect love of Christ cast out all fear. 1 John 4:8
When fear creeps in, this is a powerful tool to drive it out! Experience the power of His Word!! Love the picture we took in Seoul. Was suppose to be a heart, but somehow our shadow turned out looking like penguines lol.
{Lesson #5}
Be angry, but sin not. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Ephesians 4:26
This really helped me in my anger management. No matter how angry I get, I will settle that anger before sun-down. It's good for your soul. I may not succeed in every situation, but this keeps me going during tough times. Finally found an appropriate place to use the picture where we "tried-to-be-funny". One of those unsuccessful funny face pictures...
{Lesson #6}
Talk the answer, not the problem. The answer is in God's Word.
I saw this in a book and it stuck with me. Such wise advice. So often we focus on the problem and talk so much about it. If only we learn to talk the answer that is found in His Word, things will start to change. Still learning. Precious lesson.
Made a little baby blue dotted rose from a left over ribbon that I had.
{Lesson #7}
Fulfill your needs, limit the wants.
This is so for me...Lol... ok ok, I'm working on it....
Can you see my wants? Try to see it...
{Last Page}
Didn't quite know what to do with it. Just used my stamps and some stickers :) This page was OVER distressed lol.
{Album Folder}
I was at a lost how to stick the paper onto the center portion where the ring binder is. Eventually, I stuck 3 strips of brown ribbons... oh well...it's better than leaving it cardboard grey.
{Back page}
{Side Profile}
Want to add some words on the brown ribbon. Haven't quite found the right words yet...
This is really beautiful, gal. I bet you had an enjoyable time at Seoul.. Can tell from those lovely photos taken.. I wish I can visit Seoul one day too. And do take care and hope everything in family is well. Congrats that the reno thingy is finally over and you are enjoying the scrapping moment over at your new little corner.. :)
Wow Wen, i can just feel by seeing your 1st mini album just how proud you are of your work. This album is so meaningful.
More of such lovely albums to come my dear friend.
I do feel a sense of achievement, just coz' when I was in the midst of it I really didn't know how to go on.
I'm really happy with this, and do hope I can preserve it for long :) Looking for those set in spray ... any idea where to get it?
The album's really nice! I like the side "burnt" design. I cannot imagine how mini is mini la, but you can show me next time! ooh... u can make one for me too! hahahaha. ;)
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